Use to generate match keys used to fuzzy match people's names and address.

Input Parameters:
MatchKeySetName of Match Key Set. If left blank default match keys will be generated.
PersonLine1Person Line 1 eg. Mr John Smith
PersonLine2Person Line 2
PersonLine3Person Line 3
PersonLine4Person Line 4
PersonLine5Person Line 5
PersonLine6Person Line 6
AddressLine1Address line 1 eg. 'Level 22 Suite 5'.
AddressLine2Address line 2 eg. 'The Big Building'.
AddressLine3Address line 3 eg. '220 Big Street'.
AddressLine4Address line 4 eg. 'Sydney NSW 2000'.
AddressLine5Address line 5
AddressLine6Address line 6
RequestIdOptional user value to assist in linking DtRequests with DtResponses.
RequestKeyRequired for user access verification. For client side script protect your Request Key by using the DataTools.Security.GenerateTemporaryRequestKey
DepartmentCodeOptional user value to allocate transaction usage by department. Limit of 50 unique Department codes per account.

Output Fields:
StandardPersonNameAndStandardAddressKeyStandard Person Name and Standard Address Key
TightPersonNameAndStandardAddressKeyTight Person Name and Standard Address Key
TightPersonNameAndLooseAddressKeyTight Person Name and Loose Address Key
StandardPersonNameKeyStandard Person Name Key
TightPersonNameKeyTight Person Name Key
LoosePersonNameKeyLoose Person Name Key
StandardAddressKeyStandard Address Key
TightAddressKeyTight Address Key
LooseAddressKeyLoose Address Key
PersonNameParserStatusCodeReturns a code that indicates the success of the parser's result. [Option Values]
PersonNameParserStatusDescriptionReturns a description of the parser's result.
AddressParserStatusCodeReturns a code that indicates the success of the parser's result. [Option Values]
AddressParserStatusDescriptionReturns a description of the parser's result.

Supported Web Service API Interfaces:
Web Service Method: ProcessQueryStringRequest (REST)
Request Format: Url QueryString, Protocols: HTTP GET, HTTPS GET, Response Formats: JSON, XML*
Example Server Path:
Sample QueryString Request:
Sample JSON Response:
{ "DtResponse":{ "RequestId":"", "ResultCount":"1", "ErrorMessage":"", "Result":[ { "StandardPersonNameAndStandardAddressKey":"", "TightPersonNameAndStandardAddressKey":"", "TightPersonNameAndLooseAddressKey":"", "StandardPersonNameKey":"", "TightPersonNameKey":"", "LoosePersonNameKey":"", "StandardAddressKey":"", "TightAddressKey":"", "LooseAddressKey":"", "PersonNameParserStatusCode":"", "PersonNameParserStatusDescription":"", "AddressParserStatusCode":"", "AddressParserStatusDescription":"" } ] } }
Sample Code:

Web Service Method: ProcessXmlRequest (SOAP)
Request Format: XML over SOAP, Protocols: HTTP POST, HTTPS POST, Response Formats: XML, JSON*
Example Server Path:
Sample XML Request:
<DtRequest Method="DataTools.Match.PersonNameAndAddress.Au.CreateKeys" MatchKeySet="" PersonLine1="" PersonLine2="" PersonLine3="" PersonLine4="" PersonLine5="" PersonLine6="" AddressLine1="" AddressLine2="" AddressLine3="" AddressLine4="" AddressLine5="" AddressLine6="" RequestId="" RequestKey="" DepartmentCode="" />
Sample XML Response:
<DtResponse RequestId="" ResultCount="1" ErrorMessage=""> <Result StandardPersonNameAndStandardAddressKey="" TightPersonNameAndStandardAddressKey="" TightPersonNameAndLooseAddressKey="" StandardPersonNameKey="" TightPersonNameKey="" LoosePersonNameKey="" StandardAddressKey="" TightAddressKey="" LooseAddressKey="" PersonNameParserStatusCode="" PersonNameParserStatusDescription="" AddressParserStatusCode="" AddressParserStatusDescription="" /> </DtResponse>
SOAP Envelope: The XML request is passed through a single parameter in the SOAP envelope <DtXmlRequest>. Where the development language requires the SOAP envelope contents to be defined manually, the additional step of encoding the Dt XML Request is required. The encoding required needs to transform "<" of the DtRequest to "&lt;" and ">" to "&gt;". See example below. 
Sample SOAP Envelope:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:tem=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <tem:ProcessXmlRequest> <!--Optional:--> <tem:DtXmlRequest> &lt;DtRequest Method="DataTools.Match.PersonNameAndAddress.Au.CreateKeys" MatchKeySet="" PersonLine1="" PersonLine2="" PersonLine3="" PersonLine4="" PersonLine5="" PersonLine6="" AddressLine1="" AddressLine2="" AddressLine3="" AddressLine4="" AddressLine5="" AddressLine6="" RequestId="" RequestKey="" DepartmentCode="" /&gt; </tem:DtXmlRequest> </tem:ProcessXmlRequest> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
Batching Requests: Use the <DtRequests> (plural) tag to send through multiple requests in a single transaction.
<DtRequest Method="DataTools.Match.PersonNameAndAddress.Au.CreateKeys" MatchKeySet="" PersonLine1="" PersonLine2="" PersonLine3="" PersonLine4="" PersonLine5="" PersonLine6="" AddressLine1="" AddressLine2="" AddressLine3="" AddressLine4="" AddressLine5="" AddressLine6="" RequestId="" RequestKey="" DepartmentCode="" />
<DtRequest Method="DataTools.Match.PersonNameAndAddress.Au.CreateKeys" MatchKeySet="" PersonLine1="" PersonLine2="" PersonLine3="" PersonLine4="" PersonLine5="" PersonLine6="" AddressLine1="" AddressLine2="" AddressLine3="" AddressLine4="" AddressLine5="" AddressLine6="" RequestId="" RequestKey="" DepartmentCode="" />
Sample Code:

* Add the additional input parameter "OutputFormat=json" or "OutputFormat=xml" to change the response format from default.
* Add the additional input parameter "callback" to convert JSON responses to JSONP responses for across domains support.
  CORS header included where callback is not defined.

Please Note:
Ensure you thoroughly test all the methods you are using and are happy with the results before going into production. DataTools is charged by the data suppliers for use of every method – therefore ALL calls to any method will incur a COST. When you register DataTools provides you with free credit to help with development and trialling of the service. Once that credit is used you will need to purchase a monthly subscription and/or top up to continue using the service, even for development purposes. Please check the Method Pricing List for all current costs. DataTools does not warrant or guarantee the quality of the results returned and will not be held responsible for any costs incurred by using a method. Should you have any questions please contact your Sales representative or the Client Services team.